Culinary Department Fundraiser
December 15, 2020
The holiday season always provides new activities and more to discover each year. The KHS culinary department is no different, putting together special fundraisers for this holiday season. This includes a pie fundraiser in November, which typically sells pumpkin pie, dutch apple pie, chocolate ganache tart, and a seasonal cheesecake. In December things get more festive with a fundraiser for two-pound tins full of a dozen varieties of delicious cookies. Everything in these fundraisers from the cooking to packaging and selling is done by the culinary and baking students of KHS. The money raised from them offer opportunities for the students to bring guest speakers, compete in competitions, and expand the culinary department’s capabilities. However Covid-19 has put a halt to these activities so no fundraisers can be held at the moment. On the bright side the culinary instructors are working very hard to come up with new and exciting ideas for spring fundraisers if all turns out well and students are able to return to school safely.