Kearny High’s Teacher of the Year!

January 20, 2021
The teacher of the year for 2020 is Miss Tejedor! I had a chance to interview her and ask a few questions regarding her career at Kearny High School. Attached to this article is a photo of Miss. Tejedor and her parents, who she says “were truly her world.”
1. How long have you been teaching at KHS?
I’ve been at KHS for a little over 26 years.
2.What subject/grade have you taught?
I have taught Chemistry, Science Survey, Physical Science, General Science, Earth Science, and different levels of Biology.
3. How do you feel now nominated as Teacher of the Year?
I am still surprised at being nominated as Teacher of the Year. I work among, and am friends with, the best colleagues people elsewhere dream of having as coworkers! I am thankful to those who nominated me and grateful to have an extended family at KHS. I am thankful to my parents who made my life blessed and joyful! They were my first teachers and I hope and pray I do right by their memory!
4. What is your motivation for teaching every day?
I’m thankful to say that the reason for me getting up in the morning and showing up two hours earlier than my contract tells me to is the students I serve! I still have a passion for the subject I teach. But, it’s more than just biology. It’s my students showing up for Help Period at 7 AM because they need clarification on concepts we are covering, a lab they need to begin or redo, or simply they want to come in and enjoy breakfast while listening to whatever music I’m playing that day. There is much to say about having breakfast in the morning while having nice conversations. There is also much to say about having afternoon snacks afterschool as well!
5. What has this recognition done for you?
I feel I am as deserving of this honor as so many other colleagues/friends who are my support and from whom I learn every day. The nomination of Teacher of the Year has humbled me and made me look to how I can improve to respect those who chose me this year and more importantly to serve my students better. I pray I don’t let them down!