March Burnout
March 14, 2022
The third marking period is often seen as a quick transition to the end of the school year. It also seems to be one of the longest stretches without any days off. From February 22nd to April 14, there is not one day of school off. March, specifically, has not one day off like January and February does. This results in burnouts as students keep pushing along, looking forward to spring break knowing it has not come yet as they count the days down.
The pandemic has exhausted students and teachers alike making the burnouts more prevalent and prominent among students. With the new graduation requirement, NJGPA, juniors are stretched out since the last state testing for the class of 2023 was in eighth grade. Seniors are stressed with the college application process, financial factors, and the uncertainty of what their future will look like. Overall the changes in testing, college admissions, COVID-19, and the format of high school has caused many to become anxious and more stressed than ever before.
It is important to note that self care and a balance in schedule is key to managing stress and the workload of school and work.