Fairy Tale Freaks Coming This Spring: Shrek The Musical!

Juliette Viera

Fairy tale freaks coming this spring: Shrek The Musical! 

Do the roar because an ogre is stomping your way this spring!

After the success of the Senior Play “Super freaks”, director and theater teacher Ms. Gonzales is in the workings of whipping up a spring Musical starring some familiar musical freaks~

 Shrek the Musical is this school year’s spring musical bringing the family-friendly comedic love story between a loner ogre and a beautiful princess with a huge secret. 

Every year Ms. G introduces KHS to a new story with catchy fun music and huge production that outdoes the year before. Last year, “In the Heights” was a success as well as a final goodbye to the dream team students who worked with Ms. G in every theater production all four years. With the fresh new start, young actors were introduced with some great new talent. 

The Kearnian was able to watch rehearsals last Thursday where everything from dance choreography to moving around big set pieces was all being done in one practice. Every day from 5-8 pm the cast and crew are working hard to prepare an excellent performance for their friends and family this upcoming March. We were able to speak to the lead actor Joseph Hurtado playing Lord Farquaad, our conversation with Hurtado can be found below. 

  • How are you feeling about this year’s musical pick, and do you think this cast fits the story?

J.H: The musical pick actually came as a pleasant surprise to me, there was a lot of discussion and suggestions between many of my friends but when Ms. G told me she had decided on doing Shrek the Musical, her reasoning was she felt like the cast of kids who would audition for the musical had the perfect energy for it, and after thinking about it, then and now I still agree with her.

  • What’s your favorite thing about your character?

J.H: My favorite thing about Farquaad is the hilarious conceitedness that he holds, and playing that role and trying to exemplify that the best way I can. It’s a challenge for me but it really brightens my mood when I see the people at rehearsals liking my acting, and it inspires me to do my best in hopes that the people who will watch the days of the shows will like it too.

  • Best moments in rehearsals?

J.H: Being on stage and getting to perform with all the performers on stage, with both the main leads and ensemble and dancers and guards, they all have a wonderful energy that I can’t help but smile at seeing them.

  • Are you nervous about the outcome of this show?

J.H: Not really, I’m most nervous about making it the absolute best I can possibly make it, but I’ve no doubt that everyone in the cast will pull through and make it the absolute best they can.

  • Why did you audition for the musical?  

J.H: I’ve always really enjoyed acting and performing and I had a great experience last year in In The Heights, so I knew I didn’t want to skip out on the musical this year. Then Ms. G suggested to me to audition for the role of Farquaad and it really all stemmed from there.

The spring musical will be performed on March 16, 17th, and 18th at 7 pm. Admission starts at $6 for students and senior citizens meanwhile $8 for General admission. The entrance is at the front of the High school with snacks and water being sold. Please come support the Musical theater group and good luck to the cast!