Junior NJGPA Testing Starting 3/13

March 10, 2023
Starting next week the KHS juniors will be facing their most crucial months ahead of them starting Monday, March 13, 2023. NJPGA testing will take place at 8:15 where all juniors are to complete a series of tests in the following subjects: Math, English and science. These tests will determine the score of whether or not the student will be able to graduate with a high school diploma. For the entire week students are to report to their designated classroom with a fully charged Chromebook and headphones and be in school uniform. All testing days will be held in the same room for the entire week.
All other grades, Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors will report to school at 9:45 and head to their first-period class.
NJPGA testing will most likely take longer than expected therefore students whose first or second-period class takes place on the 3rd floor will have to either check their classroom page or go to the auditorium to meet with their teacher/sub.
Good luck to all juniors!